Ras Tafari Renaissance


This is another one of the many interpretations of the Scriptures from the light of Ras Tafari by, I, Lidj Yefdi (pronounced Lij, Yef-dee).

Ras Tafari Renaissance writes to give perspective to the Hebraic remembrance of the Passover. In modern Judaism, it is known by the Hebrew term as Pesach – פֶּסַח. (In the Ethiopic sense this is known as Fasïka – ፋሲካ; which phonetically/linguistically similar.) Jewish traditions celebrate the liberation from slavery but, moreso the bondage spiritually, financialy, and socially in Egypt approx., 3,300 yrs ago by God; during the time of the Pharaohs.  Their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses began a traverse through the wilderness and desert lands of the Sinai Peninsula, and the Levant.  But, from the Ethiopian-Hebraic perspective, the liberation came from within a spiritual, socio-political, and religious viewpoints between Northern Egypt(Lower Egypt) & Southern Egypt(Upper Egypt).


Passover is considered apart of the Shalosh Regalim – שלוש רגלים, or the main festivals of Israel’s commemoration to God. The day commences on the afternoon of the Hebraic, 14th of the month of Abïb/Nisan.

I welcome you all to another celebratory posting as we move closer to monumental commemoration of the Hebraic Passover.  This time is set for recollection and reexamination of one’s self.  Fasting & prayer is key leading up to the Passover.

In continuation already set by the first day of the Samínt/Shabūa (loosely translated; the week); we move into the culminating level of the count in Abïy T’zōm – አብይ ፆም/ዓቢይ ጾም.

([YeAbiy Ts’om Minbabat : Zeymawoch’na Sibketoch]) = The Readings for the “Great Fast” : Times of the Teachings/Preachings/Sermons.


Abiy Tsom/ Hudade = the Great Lenten Fast

RasTafari Renaissance continues to celebrate in the Tewahedo faith the “Great Fast,” or Abïy Tẓ’ōm – ዐቢይ ጾም / ዓቢይ ጾም.  This period in the Ethiopian & Eritrean Churches, which are also known as the “Tewahido/Tewahedo” churches clustered with the other Orthodox sister churches (ie. Greek Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox etc.) have similar practices which have orderly examples in which they observe this time leading up to Passover; known to the greater world as “Easter.”  You may know of this time especially in the West, that leads to Easter.

[the Three Pilgrimage feast/festivals – Shalosh Regalim]

The narrative of the Exodus from the Scriptures, [Exo. 23: 15], gives the overlay of the children of Israel story in Rgypt.



Passover commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays.


To the Ethiopian & Eritrean Orthodox Churches, Lent (Hūdădæ – ሑዳዴ) Abïy Tẓ’ōm,  means a period of fasting when the faithful undergo a rigorous schedule of prayers and penitence. This fast is observed with greater rigor than any other fast and it is a test of one’s Christianity.  One who fails to keep it is not considered a good Christian.  Properly observed it nullifies the sins committed during the rest of the year.  The faithful should abstain from all food except bread, water and salt.  It consists of about 56 days (opposite of the Western Christian – 40 days), all meat is forbidden, and also, what are called “lactina/lactose;” milk, butter, cheese, eggs, etc, by practical sense.

This seventh week’s readings, focus on verses from the Book of John chapter 3: verses 1-12.

Each week of the Great Lent has its own name associated with what Christ did or taught. The names and the corresponding part for readings, of the bible are shown below with each Sunday heralding the beginning of each week & focus reading.


[NOTE:]  Usually, small children of are excluded from these practices until the age of maturity has surfaced.

(around pre-teen, or the teenage period)

Hudade(ሑዳዴ)-Lent [2]


Fasting is appears in many religions around the world, but, as ones would know, in the west it has lost its rigor for the majority of peoples. However, in the Ethiopian/Eritrean Orthodox church & to the extent of the other Orthodox churches of the east; there are many fasting days through the year.  In the most strict observances, all fasters would be vegan for half the year.  The longest of the fasts is our topic here in the Hudade(i)/ Abïy Tsom season.  So, as the Lenten Fast or the “Great Fast,” leads up to Easter/Passover it is variously known in dfferent forms, and the majority of adherent of the Orthodox churches approximately fast for these 55 days every year.

Ethiopian Bible Society’s Amharic Holy Bible Dictionary

NEW PRINTED EDITION!!! AVAILABLE (Outside of Ethiopia)! The official “AMHARIC DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE.” Originally compiled as a study companion to the 1961-62′ Authorized Revised Amharic Bible, during the times H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I of Ethiopia, sometimes referred to as the “Emperor’s Bible.” This revised and reloaded edition printed from Valiancy Publishing continues the tradition of Ethiopian Orthodox-Tewahedo Christianity intense study & application of the Holy Bible.


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