Ras Tafari Renaissance

Greetings in the names of His & Her Imperial Majesties of Ethiopia: Emperor Haile Sellassie I & Empress Menen Asfaw.


Welcome to all once again, to another posts from Ras Tafari Renaissance! I, Lidj Yefdi, will bring to you yet another thought provoking “word-sound”(presentation) that is sure to get your attention, if you’re not faculties are intact. If there not, hopefully this will awaken them.

yom hashoah3
יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה
Yom Ha’Shoah; Holocaust Remembrance Day, memorial day set in place by David ben Gurion and Yitzhak ben Zvi, in the State of Israel. Yom Ha’Shoah commemorates the Jewish people who perished during the Holocaust in Europe, during World War II.

In this post, I will give reflection on the commemoration which has its place on this day. To so many, who come into the Judaic faith, (in one way or another), today has its significance in there hearts and minds. Why???,…Well, today is a day when one should take the time to examine their own life and truly look upon how they value themselves, as well as, others. Today is what has become a  memorial to those slain in the perilous times of World War II, and suffered nearly endlessly at the hands of Nazi-Germany and Nazism, as a whole.

In this presentation, I will do my best to refrain from giving every single detail of the horrific events that took place during this time. (I will leave that up to YOU ALL to educate yourselves & teach your children along with those around you, what kind of importance this matter has!)


But not only the European-Jews but, many other people were subjugated to physical torture, castration, euthanasia, toil, despair, and many other horrid acts. So, in this day in age, though many things have changed, I can clearly see, by JAH’s(God ALMIGHTY) grace that many things have stayed the same. But, it should be no excuse to not educate yourself, and those whom we continue to say, “hold the future in their hands” about how to treat people, conduct themselves in a civil manner, stand on truth, and take heed to moral principles.

Romanis who did not fit into the ideology of the Aryan race.
Romanis who did not fit into the ideology of the Aryan race.

The mentally & physically handicapped; also did not fit.

Nazi Propaganda
Nazi Propaganda

Jehovah’s Witnesses were faced with a similar demise, in these times.

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Homosexuals, suffered horrific torture, as well, under Nazi-controlled Germany.

Afro-Germans suffered the same fate as the others who didn't fit into Nazism plan.
Afro-Germans suffered the same fate as the others who didn’t fit into Nazism plan.


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Communists, Socialists, and trade union leaders had become political opponents to Nazism, as well.

euro-jewish holocaust(yom hasoah-holocaust day of remembrance)6

Differences held for nothing inside concentration camps.
Differences held for nothing inside concentration camps.
In Auschwitz
In Auschwitz

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Let this day be a hard lesson learned that evil knows no boundaries, and what was right in the past,…is still right today & tomorrow.





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haile sellassie's war


Lidj Yefdi“-Yohann Immanuel

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